Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Counting down the days.....

Less than one month! I made my flight reservations today, which was very exciting and made it all a little realer. I'm flying out of Denver to Philly on June 24th, the Philly to Dakar on June 26th. So as for now I'm taking wise people's advise and eating lots of Sushi (I mean lots!) and ice cream. I've been packing a little bit at a time for a couple months now so I feel pretty good about that. It's hard though, because htere are some things on the list that I don't ever use in America, so I'm having a hard time justifying bringing them to Africa: like a camp chair. I prefer sitting on the ground or a cooler, bucket etc. I really can't see what that would look like either as the only white girl in town, busting out a collapsable chair all the time.... Who know's though? I'm running late on posting photos, because I have to coerce them out of friends before I can post them, but here's some funny April pics:

Much smaller than I thought it was... but Bonnae and I like to get dressed up in our tennis outfits and whack balls around. Bonnae makes fun of me for shoving balls up my skirt (no not like that...) so she shoved at least 8 of them down her shirt, claiming to now know what it's like to have breasts. Eight of them.....

I made an unfortunate promise that I would go out dancing, and while I may like dancing at Red Rocks I don't do the whole in a club grinding with strangers thing (that's how you get diseases...he,he). So Bonnae and Amanda went to Sutra to Dance and Leah and I went to Left on Lincoln, to lie in big comfy chairs outside and drink. Great night!
It's funny because tennis and a night out in Denver are normally such small activities, but with the departure coming up soon, they are these very sweet moments that I know I'm going to miss. I feel a whole lot of those Budweiser "I love you man" moments coming on!

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